On Saturday night my 86 year old Grandpa was rushed into hospital for the first time in his life with acute stomach pains. After major surgery he was taken into intensive care in a critical condition and we were told to be realistic about our expectations.

24 hours later I received a message from my Mum to say that he had woken up and was off his life support machine. The following is a sample of the conversation I had with him when I arrived at the hospital...

R: *Holding his hand* Grandpa, you don't know how happy I am to see you're awake. How are you feeling?

G: You're not getting rid of me that easily. 

R: I told you yesterday that I wanted to see you awake today, and look, you are!

G: I must have heard you... Your hands are really warm. Do you have a temperature? You sure you don't want to grab a bed? You could stick your feet up. Relax.

G: *points at my Mum*

G: You've been here twice today. You should get a bed too. It's comfy here.

G: Do you know the food in here is free?

R: No, but I must try it sometime. 

R: Granny said you've to avoid tap dancing as you might wake up the other patients.

G: *laughs*

R: Do you know you've had an operation?

G: I've had an operation? Where?

R: *explains*

G: Those surgeons are quick. I didn't notice.

G: Oh wait, he did say that he had given me a 10 year guarantee.

R: Is there a message you want me to give to Granny?

G: Kiss, kiss, kiss and tell her to not sleep on my side of the bed.

R: She misses you, you know?

G: She's always had odd tastes. I miss her too.

R: All our friends and family, and even Nicola and Peter, have said to send you their best wishes.

G: Tell her she's already got my vote. But that's nice of everyone. Tell them I say hello and thanks for their wishes.

J: Are you being fed through that tube?

G: Yes, I'm on the SlimFast diet.

G: What day is it?

R: Monday.

G: It's not Sunday? I've not had a missing day since 1951.

R: *laughs*

R: You need to focus on getting better we want you planting flowers in your garden in Spring.

G: That would be nice. I'll try my best.

I wanted to share this for some of the people that know him as it's a happy story in what has been a horrific few days. He's still very weak and has a long way to go but he's heading in the right direction.